Press releases

  • 20 Jun 2024 - On her first visit to UNIFIL headquarters in Naqoura, UN Special Coordinator Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert met today with UNIFIL Force Commander and Head of Mission Lt. Gen. Aroldo Lázaro and with UNIFIL peacekeepers deployed in south Lebanon. 
  • 29 May 2024 - UNIFIL today marked the International Day of United Nations Peacekeepers, an annual event to honour the commitment and sacrifice of women and men serving for peace around the world. 
  • 28 Mar 2024 - UNIFIL is very concerned over the surge of violence occurring across the Blue Line right now. This escalation has caused a high number of civilian deaths and the destruction of homes and livelihoods. It is imperative that this escalation cease immediately. We urge all sides to put down their weapons and begin the process toward a sustainable political and diplomatic solution. 
  • 19 Mar 2024 - As UNIFIL marked the 46th anniversary of its establishment today, its leadership renewed calls for all actors to put down their weapons, recommit to Security Council Resolution 1701, and work toward a political and diplomatic solution.
  • 27 Feb 2024 - Over the past days we have seen a concerning shift in the exchanges of fire. This conflict has already claimed too many lives and caused significant damage to houses and public infrastructure. It has jeopardized the livelihoods and changed the life of tens of thousands of civilians on both sides of the Blue Line. Yet we now see an expansion and intensification of strikes.
  • 13 Jan 2024 - United Nations Under-Secretary-General for Peace Operations Jean-Pierre Lacroix concluded a four-day visit to Lebanon yesterday. This was part of a regular visit to peacekeeping missions in the Middle East, though it came in the context of high tension along the Blue Line between Lebanon and Israel. During the visit, Mr. Lacroix discussed the important role of UNIFIL in de-escalating tension along the Blue Line.
  • 24 Oct 2023 - Today marks the 78thanniversary of the entry into force of the United Nations Charter, and the day in 1945 that the United Nations officially came into being.
  • 21 Sep 2023 - Peacekeepers wearing uniforms from 49 different countries expressed their commitment to peace and stability as they marked the International Day of Peace in Naqoura, south Lebanon today.
  • 08 Jun 2023 - UNIFIL Head of Mission and Force Commander Major General Aroldo Lázaro chaired a regular Tripartite meeting with senior officers of the Lebanese Armed Forces (LAF) and Israel Defense Forces (IDF) at a UN position in Ras al-Naqoura today. “During the last couple of months, there have been a number of concerning developments along the Blue Line” he said. “Despite these events, active engagement has contributed to the prevention of potential escalation and helped maintain stability.”
  • 30 Mar 2023 - Major General Aroldo Lázaro, Head of Mission and Force Commander of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL), chaired a regular Tripartite meeting at a UN position in Ras al-Naqoura today. In the context of recent events along the Blue Line, Major General Lázaro urged the parties to continue to coordinate activities near the line with UNIFIL in advance, and avoid actions that could escalate the situation and increase tension.
