UNIFIL - LAF joint live fire exercise, 3 September 2009
Media are invited on Thursday, 3 September at 2:00 pm to attend a live fire exercise conducted by the Field Artillery Group of the Quick Reaction Force of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) with the Lebanese Armed Forces 115th Artillery Battalion and 62nd Infantry Battalion.
The exercise will be held 1 km south of UNIFIL Headquarters in Naqoura in southern Lebanon.
This joint exercise is directed at improving the skills and expertise of the UNIFIL and LAF battle groups, to maintain their efficiency and mutual knowledge.
During the exercise, the battle group will fire several rounds of artillery at targets located off the coastline and direct fire using machine-guns.
The common shelling exercise is the fifth of its kind. The first such joint exercise was conducted by UNIFIL and LAF in December 2008.
Limiting any potential disturbance to the local population is a priority in planning the exercise. To this end, the targets will be located at sea in order to limit noise to any inhabited area.
The safety at sea is provided by Lebanese Navy ships assisted by UNIFIL Maritime Task Force.
Journalists attending are requested to arrive at UNIFIL HQ Naqoura (Visitor's gate) by 1:15 pm. From there UNIFIL will provide transportation to the location of the exercise.
For further information, please contact:
UNIFIL Public Information Office:
Tel.: +961 1 826076 (office); +961 70912785 (cell)
Fax: +961 1 827 016
Email: unifil-mpio@un.org
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