Ramieh learns knitting with Ghanaian battalion
While growing tobacco is a main source of earning a living in the southern Lebanese town of Ramieh, UNIFIL's Ghanaian battalion organized a knitting session for women from Ramieh, helping them to find a new kind of business.
On 5th September, the Ghanaian battalion organized a knitting training session in the southern Ramieh town for 20 women from the town.
"This is the first time such an activity has been organised in my town over the last 10 or 15 years, "said 30 year Zeina Saleh, from Ramieh.
Using Ghanaian knitting skills, the Lebanese women produced a colorful collection of crocheted and embroidered tablecloths, cushion covers, special lids for water pots, baby clothes, winter shawls and other traditional Lebanese items.
The project which was initiated by Ramieh's municipality and presented to UNIFIL, through the Ghanaian battalion, will help empower women in Ramieh , said Civil Affairs Officer Rola Bzei, noting that it will help improve the women's lives, use of leisure time and their role in supporting their families.