UNIFIL Media lines on launching of rockets and Israeli Airstrike
22 August 2013
This afternoon, at approximately 16:40hrs, UNIFIL received reports of rockets launched from the general area of Tyre, within UNIFIL’s area of operations. The rockets were launched in the general direction of Israel. In close cooperation with the LAF, UNIFIL has launched an investigation to determine the facts and circumstances of the incident, as well as to locate launching sites. The investigation team is also in contact with the IDF to determine possible impact sites.
UNIFIL Force Commander, Maj. Gen Paolo Serra, immediately established contact with senior commanders of the LAF and the IDF. He urged them to exercise maximum restraint, to cooperate with UNIFIL in order to prevent an escalation, which is not in the interest of the parties, and to ensure that the incident remains isolated.
The parties confirmed their interest in keeping the situation under control and pledged to cooperate and work closely with UNIFIL towards this end.
Maj. Gen Serra stated: “The launching of rockets today is a serious violation of resolution 1701 (2006). Most importantly, this action endangers the local civilian population. It also shows that there are people who would like to disturb the quiet in this area and put at risk the gains achieved by the LAF and UNIFIL during the past years. I strongly condemn this violation. This action will not deter UNIFIL from our mission, which is carried out with the LAF, and will strengthen our resolve to do everything within our capacity to ensure that the present calm remains.”
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23 August 2013
UNIFIL received reports this morning about an Israeli airstrike in the area between Beirut and Saida. The airstrike was confirmed to UNIFIL by the Israeli Defence Forces and described as retaliation for yesterday’s rocket attack from the Lebanese territory.
The exact location which was hit is outside UNIFIL’s area of Operation and at this stage we have no other information about the location or the target of the attack.
UNIFIL Head of Mission and Force Commander, Major General Paolo Serra, has been in contact with senior Commanders of the LAF and IDF reiterating again, the highest importance of acting with maximum restraint, avoiding any use of force and urging them to cooperate with UNIFIL in order to reduce the tension and prevent further incidents and escalation which could have serious implications on the security and stability in the area.
The Force Commander will meet with the commanders of both the LAF and the IDF.
Major General Serra said: “After receiving the news about the airstrike, I was in contact with the IDF commander, stressing upon them to cease from any offensive military operation. I also called on the LAF Commander emphasising the need to exercise maximum restrain to avoid undesired consequences.”