UNIFIL HoM visits NEPBATT to express his condolences
Today, UNIFIL Head of Mission and Force Commander Major-General Luciano Portolano paid a visit to UNIFIL Nepalese contingent in Meis el Jebel, where he met with NEPBATT Commander Lt. Col. Rajendra Mani Giri and expressed his condolences over the recent disastrous earthquake in the country, which has resulted in the heavy loss of lives and property.
Major-General Portolano said: “The reports of the destruction caused by the earthquake are still coming and it’s clear that many lives and property have been lost. On behalf of UNIFIL, I am here to extend our heartfelt sympathies to your country and to all peacekeepers whose families and friends have been affected by this tragedy, particularly to the peacekeepers whose loved ones have been killed and injured.”
He paid tribute to the Nepalese peacekeepers who have served and continue to serve in UNIFIL while observing a high level of professionalism, dedication and courage.
The Nepalese contingent in UNIFIL is comprised of 850 troops.