Special Tripartite Meeting called for Thursday 23 February 2012
The Force Commander of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL), Major-General Paolo Serra, has called a special tripartite meeting tomorrow with senior officials from the Lebanese Armed Forces (LAF) and the Israel Defence Forces (IDF) at the UN Position at Ras Al Naqoura crossing.
The purpose of the meeting is to discuss additional security measures along the Blue Line in the general area near the town of Kafr Kila in order to further stabilise the situation there and prevent frictions and tensions across the Blue Line. This area witnessed in the past incidents of tension between the two sides.
Major-General Paolo Serra said: “In my contacts with both the parties, they made it clear that they do not want problems along the Blue Line. They asked UNIFIL to assist them in putting in place additional security measures particularly in this area to prevent any escalatory incident that is clearly not in the interest of either side.”
UNIFIL has been engaged with both the parties in order to further improve security arrangements in the Kafr Kila area.