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  1. Re-forestation Project for a Greener Sh’huur Village, 15 January 2010

    19 February 2010 Naqoura, south Lebanon - A project to establish a green zone for recreational and economic benefits in the village of Sh'huur in south Lebanon was inaugurated today by H.E.

  2. UNIFIL Media lines on launching of rockets and Israeli Airstrike

    23 August 2013 22 August 2013 

  3. UN Security Council extends UNIFIL’s mandate

    28 August 2009 Technical review to maintain operational effectiveness of the Mission

  4. Maritime Task Force’s role in UNIFIL

    18 February 2010 The first Naval Force to be part of a UN peacekeeping mission (UNIFIL Maritime Task Force) has been deployed since October 2006 upon request of the Lebanese Government to assist the Lebanese Navy i

  5. UNIFIL Press Statement on today’s incident along the Blue Line

    4 January 2016... vehicles were attacked south of the Blue Line in the general area of Sheeba Farms. ...

  6. UNIFIL statement on today’s incidents along the Blue Line

    1 September 2019 At about 5:00 p.m.

  7. UNIFIL Statement on rocket fire incidents on 17 May 2021

    17 May 2021... 11:30 pm, UNIFIL detected firing of rockets from the general area of Rashaya Al Foukhar north of Kfar Chouba, in south Lebanon. ...

  8. UNIFIL Spanish peacekeepers ensure peace and stability in south-east Lebanon

    20 July 2020 Thousands of UNIFIL peacekeepers, like Lt. Jorge Tejada from Spain, have been contributing to consolidate peace and stability in south Lebanon since 2006.

  9. Lebanese Foreign Affairs Minister visits UNIFIL Headquarters

    23 June 2022... and Emigrants, Abdallah Bou Habib, visited UNIFIL’s area of operations in south Lebanon today to see the work the mission’s more ...

  10. Foreign Affairs Committee members of Lebanese Parliament visit UNIFIL

    5 October 2018... visited the UNIFIL Headquarters and the Mission’s area of operation today to see first-hand the crucial work ca ...
