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  1. UNIFIL Media line on the situation in UNIFIL’s area of operations

    6 May 2013 The situation in UNIFIL's area of operations remains generally calm. ...

  2. UNIFIL and Lebanese Army formalize UNIFIL support to Lebanese soldiers

    10 December 2021 UNIFIL today signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with its strategic ...

  3. Message from the UNIFIL Mission: United Nations Security Council unanimously renews UNIFIL mandate until August 2018

    31 August 2017... Security Council yesterday voted unanimously to renew UNIFIL’s mandate under Security Council resolution 1701, expressing a strong ...

  4. UNIFIL International Women’s Day 2021: “Gender Mainstreaming in UNIFIL Troop Contributing Countries

    10 March 2021 Welcome to this additional event to commemorate International Women's Day .

  5. UN Security Council extends UNIFIL’s mandate

    28 August 2009 Technical review to maintain operational effectiveness of the Mission

  6. UNIFIL Operations

    14 March 2016... by the UN Security Council resolution  1701  (2006), UNIFIL carries out a range of operations across its Area of Operations between ...

  7. Advancing Women peacekeepers role in UNIFIL

    8 March 2018 UNIFIL peacekeepers listen to a young student from Aytarun as she explains the ... 13 December 2017. UNIFIL peacekeeper Lt. Col Ella Van Den Heuvel embraces a member of the community ... 27 February 2018. A UNIFIL peacekeeper from El Salvador participates in a market walk in Souk Al Khan, ...

  8. Returning to south Lebanon 35 years later

    31 July 2015... for peace of mind," said Erik Hovet a former Norwegian peacekeeper who served in UNIFIL's Norwegian Armoured Personnel Carrier Platoon, in the souther ...

  9. “Mr. and Mrs. Blue Barrel” educate young children on Blue Line safety

    15 November 2017 UNIFIL peacekeepers explain about the dangers of crossing the Blue Line in ... Public School raise their hands to answer questions about UNIFIL and the Blue Line. A young student from ... First Sergeant Etikasari, a UNIFIL Indonesian peacekeeper, is visiting the public school in Aytarun, a village close to the ...

  10. Peacekeepers Run to Help School Children

    7 November 2022... Since 2007, UNIFIL has implemented countless projects in support of South Lebanon’s ...
