Message from the UNIFIL Mission: United Nations Security Council unanimously renews UNIFIL mandate until August 2018
The United Nations Security Council yesterday voted unanimously to renew UNIFIL’s mandate under Security Council resolution 1701, expressing a strong commitment to the existing mandate. UNIFIL will continue to work to fulfill the mandate to its fullest in order to preserve the stability and calm in its area of operations in south Lebanon, which has already lasted for an unprecedented 11 years.
Based on its commitment to the resolution, the Mission will continue to work with both parties to maintain the cessation of hostilities, maintain stability in areas along the Blue Line, and prevent tensions or misunderstandings from escalating. UNIFIL will continue to enhance the effectiveness of its activities to efficiently implement its mandate. The Mission will also continue to support the Lebanese Armed Forces in strengthening their capacity and presence in southern Lebanon.
UNIFIL has around 10,500 peacekeepers coming from 41 troop contributing countries. The Mission maintains a high operational tempo carrying out approximately 13,500 activities per month focused on patrolling and monitoring by air, land and sea - day and night - in the area of operations. About 17 per cent of activities are carried out jointly with the Lebanese Armed Forces.
UNIFIL is complemented by a seven-vessel strong Maritime Task Force that carries out maritime interdiction operations to prevent the illegal entry of weapons and other materiel into Lebanon and which also contributes to a safe and stable maritime environment.