With wide smiles and amid the cheers of proud parents and teachers, twelve year-old Jana Khreiss, and her 4 colleagues from College des Soeurs des Saints Coeurs of Marjeyoun stepped down the stage holding high their awards, which pronounced them winners of "The Francophonie and Us" contest.

Mr. Philippe Juvin, French MP and Mayor of the city of Garenne-Colombes addressing the public during the Francophonie contest ceremony.

Clown Walter arouses curiosity of a student in Ayta ash Shaab School for Children with Special Needs

Lt. Col Fernando Lopez De Olmedo, SPANBATT Commander receives the Lebanese Minister of Information Mr. Walid Daouk and the General Director of the Ministry of Information Mr. Hassan Falha at UNP 4-28 in Abasyi, Sector East.

Under Secretary-General for Peacekeeping Herve Ladsous is welcomed by a UNIFIL Nepalese peacekeeper at the start of his Blue Line tour.

Under Secretary-General for Peacekeeping Operations Mr. Herve Ladsous visits UNIFIL's Maritime Task Force on the flagship 'Constituicao' in Beirut harbor.