Healthy dairy products in Ramieh
"In 1862 Louis Pasteur, French chemist and microbiologist, finalized his experiments on pasteurization which now allows us to prepare our dairy products free of bacteria that cause Tuberculosis, Typhoid fever and Maltese fever," said Sami Hajjar, a specialist in food and dairy engineering, during a workshop held in the southern town of Ramieh.
At Ramieh's municipality, tens of women attended the fourth and last workshop of the UNIFIL-funded project "capacity building of women of Ramieh" during which women learnt how to prepare white cheese and yogurt, and how to pasteurize milk in a scientific way.
"We learnt how to pasteurize the milk in the right and healthy way," said Intisar Issa from Ramieh, one participant in the workshop.
"The project enables the women of Ramieh not only to prepare these products for their own use but it also teaches them to become trainers in this field", said Rola Bzeih , UNIFIL's Civil Affairs officer.
UNIFIL's quick impact project titled,Capacity building of women of Ramieh, included workshops on knitting, agricultural products, soap making, and dairy products.
UNIFIL funded the project which was implemented in September upon the request of the municipality and the women of Ramieh.