French peacekeepers carry out school support initiatives

School support programme in the south-eastern village of Shab'a.

School support programme in the south-eastern village of Shab'a.

School support programme in the south-western village of Tibnin.

School support programme in the south-western village of Tibnin.

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6 Dec 2020

French peacekeepers carry out school support initiatives

UNIFIL’s French peacekeepers, who are a part of the Mission’s Force Commander Reserve (FCR) unit, have recently offered a wide variety of support to schools in south Lebanon.

Last month, they developed and distributed 4,000 educational kits to 30 schools, enabling teachers and young students to teach and learn during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

The Civil-Military Cooperation (CIMIC) team of FCR, which also includes troops from Finland, has also started renovating classrooms and toilets of several schools in the UNIFIL area of operations in south Lebanon.

In addition, they have continued with donation of school supplies at the request of local authorities and the host communities.

Through these school support initiatives, in favour of south Lebanese youth and the general population, the FCR CIMIC teams continue to maintain strong bond with the communities.

Various support activities like these – together with their operational activities – have helped keep calm in the Mission's area of operation for more than 14 years.

[UN Photos / UNIFIL French Contingent]