“Hispania Race” marks Spanish National Day
Ahead of the Spanish National Day (12 October), UNIFIL’s Spanish contingent organized “Hispania Race” with participation of troops of different nationalities currently serving with UNIFIL on 6 October.
A total of 38 teams, with four in each team, participated in the tournament, which was conducted in all-male and mixed categories. The race saw the teams tackling 13 obstacles using teamwork and ingenuity. The obstacles had the teams going through water, mud, stones, buildings and ropes.
The aim of the race was to inculcate on the spot ingenuity between the team members while utilizing their raw physical strength in order to find the best way across the obstacles.
In the end, a team of Italian peacekeepers from Sector West won the male category with the Spanish Tactical Group coming in at Second. In the mixed category, teams of Korean peacekeepers won the first and second positions while the Nepalese Battalion team came in at a close third.
At the finish line, the harmony and camaraderie between the different teams from different countries filled the environment with zest. Though covered in mud, sweat and being extremely tired, the bonding between the different participants was nothing less than phenomenal.