Serbian medical team enjoys warm welcome in south Lebanon
At Burj Al Muluk, a village in south Lebanon, Ms. Siham Homsi looks forward to her visit to the doctor. There is no full-time clinic here, and the nearest hospital is in Bint Jbeil. However residents of Burj Al Muluk have help closer at hand - from the medical staff of the Serbian battalion with UNIFIL.
The first Serbian peacekeepers arrived in south Lebanon in 2010. As part of their CIMIC activities in the region, the Serbians provide medical care at Burj Al Muluk.
A makeshift clinic is setup in the municipality premises of Burj Al Muluk, where the medical team receives patients twice a week. Serbian Captain Dr. Jovanovic Stevan and his two assistants provide medical diagnosis and dispense medicines to those in need.
Ms Siham says she appreciates their timely and essential help. She also believes it is important to recognize their sacrifice, in working far from home to help the people of south Lebanon.
The Serbian peacekeepers also provide medical services in Deir Mimas at the municipality premises, which is close to the famous St. Mamas Orthodox monastery.
Dr. Jovanovic on his part admits he feels an affinity to the people of Lebanon and feels "at home" because of their generous hospitality and desire for peace.