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  1. UNIFIL Force Commander meets Speaker of Parliament Nabih Berri

    30 January 2015 UNIFIL Head of Mission and Force Commander Major-General Luciano Portolano ... in his office in Beirut to discuss the situation in the UNIFIL ...

  2. UNIFIL Force Commander meets Prime Minister Tammam Salam

    2 February 2015 UNIFIL Head of Mission and Force Commander Major-General Luciano Portolano ... in his office in Beirut to discuss the situation in the UNIFIL Area o ...

  3. UNIFIL Head urges parties to de-escalate, reduce tensions, and move forward on the Blue Line

    31 January 2023 UNIFIL Head of Mission and Force Commander Major General Aroldo Lázaro chaired ...

  4. UNIFIL donations to Lebanese security bodies to enhance cooperation and capabilities

    22 September 2021... UNIFIL donated a significant number of UN assets to the Lebanese Armed Forces ...

  5. UNIFIL Press Statement on incidents along the Blue Line

    28 January 2015... At around 11:30 am this morning, UNIFIL observed six rockets launched towards Israel from the vicinity of Wazzani north of Maysat in the UNIFIL area of operations. ...

  6. Provision of Camp Services to UNIFIL Naqoura, UNIFIL Area of Operations (AO), UNIFIL House Baabda and MOVCON Offices at Beirut Airport, Lebanon

    22 September 2023 EOI Number: UNIFIL/EOI/24/09/007/AS  ...

  7. UNIFIL peacekeepers donate blood during Ramadan

    16 June 2017 On World Blood Donor Day UNIFIL Chief, Maj Gen Michael Beary donates blood along with Brig Gen Francesco Olla, UNIFIL’s Sector West Commander. Major Nina ...

  8. Fallen UNIFIL soldier remembered

    28 January 2018... UNIFIL’s Sector East Headquarters today held a memorial ceremony in honour of a UNIFIL peacekeeper from Spain who was killed in the line of duty three years ago. ...

  9. LAF and UNIFIL joint IED training

    24 July 2018 A UNIFIL Estonian peacekeeper demonstrates how to detect IEDs to LAF soldiers ... scanning and confirming the area is clear of IEDs, a UNIFIL peacekeeper from Estonia marks the ground The ...

  10. Joint combat medical aid training between UNIFIL and LAF

    25 January 2017... colleague during the joint combat medical aid training at UNIFIL’s Italian base near Shamaa in south Lebanon. ... Lieutenant Marino, a UNIFIL Italian peacekeeper, gives instructions to the LAF personnel and UNIFIL ...
