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UNIFIL’s Indonesian Battalion took this year’s theme of International Youth Day, 12 August, to heart and organized an event welcoming youth from Souaneh village in South Lebanon.
UNIFIL Head of Mission and Force Commander Major General Aroldo Lázaro today chaired a Tripartite meeting with senior officers from the Lebanese Armed Forces (LAF) and the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) at the UN position in Ras Al Naqoura.
Providing free medical care for the people of South Lebanon is nothing new for UNIFIL. Helping and supporting local communities has been an integral part of UNIFIL’s activities since 2007.
While traditionally men spend most of the day away at work in rural South Lebanon, it falls upon the women to take care of the children and the elderly, in addition to their regular daily responsibilities.
Another intense five-day training has taken place between the Force Commander’s Reserve (FCR) and the Lebanese Armed Forces (LAF) 5th Brigade, from 1 to 5 August in South Lebanon.
20 children and their parents took part in Souq Al Khan’s Center for Care and Development summer camp, which was in part supported by UNIFIL’s Indian Battalion, INDBATT.
UNIFIL’s Maritime Task Force (MTF) conducted the Picard naval exercises off the coast of Lebanon on 28 July 2022, to enhance the coordination between its multi-national vessels.
When the main generator of Shaqra town in South Lebanon broke down, the community of 20,000 residents lost its access to water. Shaqra’s water is pumped from a municipal well powered by electricity supplied by a generator.
Lt Col Chandan Singh of the Indian contingent (INDBATT) is UNIFIL’s only veterinarian and his services are highly sought after.
Naila Jaffal wants to warn people about the dangers of land mines. It’s a danger she knows very well: Naila used to work with a non-governmental organization removing mines from lands in south Lebanon.