BELUBATT Medevac exercise

UNIFIL Belgian peacekeeper alerting of a casualty during a medical evacuation exercise.

Blue Barrel B75 (1) near Houla, south Lebanon, site where UNIFIL Belgian contingent performs demining activities.

UNIFIL BELUBATT peacekeeper operating with mine detector during a medical evacuation exercise.

UNIFIL Belgian peacekeeper training during a medical evacuation exercise.

Belgian peacekeeper operating radio communication as ambulance leaves during a medical exercise, near Houla, south Lebanon.

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6 Aug 2014

BELUBATT Medevac exercise

Every week, the UNIFIL Belgian mine-clearing Unit performs a medical evacuation exercise in the area of operations.

The 94-strong Belgian contingent (BELUBATT), which includes two peacekeepers from Luxemburg, is tasked to clear the access for Blue Line marking from mines and other explosives that were placed there several years ago during conflicts.


Lieutenant Roger Salpeteur, BELUBATT Demining site commander.

This exercise is essential for deminers to get properly trained in case of an accident. Deminers are usually working in remote places, far away from any medical facilities. In case of incidents the priority is to be able to organize a fast evacuation and reach the nearest hospital within the hour. Every movement requires precision and discipline.

This 24th Belubatt contingent was deployed in south Lebanon on 22 June for a 4-month rotation period.

Lieutenant Roger Salepeteur is the onsite commander of the demining site. He tells us in this video how the exercise is taking place...