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  1. 25 UNIFIL peacekeepers donate blood in Meiss Ej-Jebel

    10 January 2018... UNIFIL’s Sector East Headquarters and the Nepalese Battalion, operating under ...

  2. UNIFIL helps hospitals in south Lebanon in the fight against COVID-19

    13 January 2021... In November and December 2020, UNIFIL’s Civil Affairs Office and Italian peacekeepers coordinated training ...

  3. Singing hope and peace

    15 August 2013... UN International Youth Day. UNIFIL Nepalese Battalion Commander Lt. Colonel Nawaraj Gurung presents a gift ... UNIFIL Peacekeepers from the Chinese hospital performing a traditional dance on the occasion of UN ...

  4. Force Commander visits injured, stresses UNIFIL task will not be derailed

    10 June 2011 29 May 2011 - UNIFIL Force Commander Major-General Alberto Asarta Cuevas today visited the injured peacekeepers at Hammoud hospital in Saida and conveyed to them his wishes and those of the UNIFIL ...

  5. Ghanaian peacekeepers offer free medical care in south Lebanon

    27 November 2018 The Ghanaian Battalion in Lebanon recently organized another medical and dental care day in south Lebanon, this time in Ramia.

  6. Meet 39-year-old mother who clears south Lebanon of deadly mines

    8 March 2021... Officer Bun Channa during demining of a site near the village of Labbouneh along the Blue Line in south Lebanon. (UN Photo/Lt. Col. ... Officer Bun Channa during demining of a site near the village of Labbouneh along the Blue Line in south Lebanon. (UN Photo/Lt. Col. ...

  7. UNIFIL Documents static

    14 March 2016  

  8. UNIFIL marks International Day for Mine awareness and Assistance in Mine Action, 04 April 2011

    4 April 2011... Lebanon - The United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) marked today the International Day for Mine Awareness and Assistance in ...

  9. UNIFIL marks International Day of Mine Awareness and Assistance in Mine Action, 04 April 2012

    23 August 2012... Lebanon – The United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) today observed the International Day of Mine Awareness and Assistance ...

  10. UNIFIL marks International Day of Mine Awareness and Assistance in Mine Action

    4 April 2013... equipment during the International Day of Mine Awareness at UNIFIL HQ in Naqoura A dog trained in detecting ... at the UNIFIL HQ in Naqoura. Chinese de-miner  at the International Day of Mine Awareness at UNIFIL HQ in ...
