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  1. Force Commander stresses to Lebanese officials urgency of probe into attack on UNIFIL

    10 June 2011 (30 May 2011, UNIFIL Force Commander statement on his meetings with Lebanese officials) ...

  2. Major General Aroldo Lázaro takes up duties as UNIFIL Head of Mission and Force Commander

    28 February 2022... UNIFIL held a ceremony at its headquarters in Naqoura today to officially ...

  3. UNIFIL Force Commander meets Lebanese leaders in Beirut

    27 February 2014... Major General Paolo Serra during the meeting with Lebanese President Michel Sleiman. Head of Mission Major ...

  4. Major-General Asarta bids farewell to Lebanese officials, 27 January 2012

    27 January 2012 UNIFIL Force Commander Major-General Alberto Asarta Cuevas today paid farewell visits to senior Lebanese officials at the end of his tenure. ...

  5. Major-General Paolo Serra takes over Command of UNIFIL, 28 January 2012

    28 January 2012... Lebanon – The United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) today underwent a transfer of command from Major-General Alberto Asarta ...

  6. Major-General Paolo Serra takes over Command of UNIFIL, 28 January 2012

    28 January 2012... Lebanon – The United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) today underwent a transfer of command from Major-General Alberto Asarta ...

  7. Major-General Stefano Del Col takes over command of UNIFIL

    7 August 2018... General Stefano Del Col arrive to the hand-over ceremony at UNIFIL Headquarters in Naqoura. Lebanese Armed Forces Commander General Joseph Aoun laying a wreath at the UNIFIL cenotaph in memory of fallen peacekeepers. ... Of Mission and Force Commander of UNIFIL from Major General Michel Beary (Ireland). ...

  8. UN Peacekeeping chief concludes Lebanon visit

    14 March 2019 The United Nations Under Secretary-Gen...

  9. Head of UN Peacekeeping Jean-Pierre Lacroix wraps up Lebanon visit

    27 February 2018 The United Nations Under-Secretary-General for Peacekeeping ...

  10. Major-General Serra meets Lebanese officials, 06 February 2012

    6 February 2012... Force Commander Major-General Paolo Serra today called on President Michel Sleiman, Parliament Speaker Nabih Berri and Prime Minister Najib Mikati. ...
