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  1. Painting on Porcelain - The hobby that developed into a craft, 08 June 2012

    23 August 2012 "Porcelain is the art of living", says Bahia Zayat, as she walks around the classroom, proudly showing off her students' work

  2. The Spanish lend a hand

    5 November 2013 UNIFIL Spanish peacekeeper securing the perimeter of the water channel ... channel view during the construction work carried out by UNIFIL’s Spanish battalion. Water channel ... road roller operator. UNIFIL peacekeepers clearing the final segment of the water drainage channel which ...

  3. Regional Conduct & Discipline Section (RCDS)

    29 December 2016 Introduction:  

  4. Southern children delve into Origami

    26 November 2015 Finished! A delighted child from Al Imam Sader Foundation in Tyre holds up his finished origami. Seiko Hatakeyama, from All-One, a charity NGO engaged in promoting Origami in Lebanon, introduces Ori...

  5. Force Commander urges maximum restraint after incident at Maroun al-Ras

    10 June 2011 (15 May 2011, statement from UNIFIL Force Commander Major-General Alberto Asarta Cuevas) ...

  6. The way to help

    22 December 2008... rapid implementation to benefit the local population. With UNIFIL adopting this approach to ...

  7. A day with the Indian Vet

    6 December 2012 UNIFIL veterinary assistant Mr. Anand treating a goat in a farm in Kafer ... farm near Kafer Couba. UNIFIL veterinary doctor Lt. Col. Sharma handing out medicine to a shepherd in ... "Mabrouk! She is four and a half months pregnant" said UNIFIL's Indian veterinarian doctor Lt. Col. Rakesh Sharma to the Lebanese ...

  8. Under-Secretary-General for Peacekeeping Operations visits Israel

    13 May 2013 The Head of United Nations Peacekeeping Mr. Hervé Ladsous today travelled to Israel and met with key Israeli government officials and representatives of the Israel Defense Forces. Mr.

  9. Ramieh learns knitting with Ghanaian battalion

    10 September 2014... Women learning knitting with Ghanaian female peacekeepers in Ramieh, south Lebanon. A ... from Ramieh village knitting during a training financed by UNIFIL. Two young women working on a loom table ...

  10. Soap making workshop

    18 September 2014... soap in Ramieh, south Lebanon during a training financed by UNIFIL. Women watching teacher levelling ... a soap that she just made during a training financed by UNIFIL. Twenty-five women from the southern town of ...
