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  1. Challenges and progress highlighted at event marking International Day for Mine Awareness

    4 April 2017 A UNIFIL Chinese peacekeeper during a manual demining demonstration at UNIFIL for Mine Awareness Day.  A UNIFIL ...

  2. Press Release: International Day for Mine Awareness

    4 April 2014... A Dog trained in detecting explosive materials from UNIFIL’s Sri Lankan battalion performing acrobatic moves during the International Day of Mine Awareness at UNIFIL HQ in Naqoura. A remote controlled ...

  3. UNIFIL, LAF pay tribute to fallen Malaysian peacekeeper

    23 May 2024... UNIFIL Head of Mission and Force Commander Lt. Gen. ...

  4. Continued UNIFIL support to fight COVID-19

    8 December 2020... other medical professionals. UNIFIL Italian peacekeepers have recently extended a wide range of assistance ...

  5. “Women of UNIFIL” photo exhibition celebrates International Women’s Day

    11 March 2013 UNIFIL Korean peacekeeper buying handicrafts from the local Southern ... Local and religious authorities greeting UNIFIL Deputy Director of Political and Civil Affairs Francesco Manca at the ... at Tyr’s Cultural centre UNIFIL peacekeepers at a photo exhibition organized by UNIFIL to celebrate ...

  6. Sector East units support host communities in health, education and sports sectors

    22 February 2022... / Corporal Josue Falcon) UNIFIL Sector East Commander Brigadier General Ramón Armada Vázquez (left) ... Keshab Lamichhane) UNIFIL Chinese peacekeepers donated COVID-19 prevention kits and medical supplies to ...

  7. UNIFIL, UNMAS recommit to end threats posed by landmines in south Lebanon

    4 April 2019 UNIFIL Chinese de-miners clear mines along the Blue Line in the vicinity of Rmeish, ... device during a ceremony marking Mine Awareness Day in the UNIFIL HQ on 4 April 2019. A UNIFIL Cambodian ...

  8. 211 - Salam from the South - Clearing minefields (in English) | 01 Apr 2021

    1 April 2021... every year is International Mine Awareness Day. Since 2006, UNIFIL has cleared around 4,700,000 square metres of land in south Lebanon and ... but necessary work is currently carried out by UNIFIL’s Chinese and Cambodian contingents. Here is the link to full story ...

  9. UNIFIL deminers persevere with clearing south Lebanese land of deadly mines

    2 April 2021... Awareness and Assistance in Mine Action on 04 April 2021, UNIFIL peacekeepers continue to carry on with the painstaking but necessary ...

  10. One Wrong Step Can Change Your Life: Landmines Remain a Persistent Danger in South Lebanon

    25 July 2022 Naila Jaffal wants to warn people about the dangers of land mines.
