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  1. 86 - Salam from the South - A Day in the life of a Peacekeeper

    11 March 2014 Download

  2. 123 - Salam from the South - A Day in the Life of a Peacekeeper

    4 January 2016 Download


    29 January 2007 PRESS RELEASE

  4. Employing dogs, UNIFIL peacekeepers help children with learning disabilities

    10 March 2020... A team of UNIFIL’s Italian and Malaysian peacekeepers partnered with a local youth ...

  5. UNIFIL Statement

    29 October 2023... On Saturday, at around 10 pm, two mortar shells hit a UNIFIL base in the vicinity of the village of Houla, resulting in the injury of one peacekeeper who was promptly evacuated for medical treatmen ...

  6. UNIFIL’s fallen soldier remembered on UN Peacekeepers’ Day

    31 May 2018... Marking the International Day of UN Peacekeepers on 29 May, UNIFIL’s Gender Advisory Unit and the Mission’s Women Focal Point Margrit Hrandian paid tribute to a Ghanaian peacekeeper, Corporal Mercy ...

  7. UNIFIL Indonesians peacekeepers help maintain stability along Blue Line

    15 June 2020... UNIFIL peacekeepers from Indonesia conduct daily foot and vehicle patrols that ...

  8. Women in UNIFIL: Making a difference

    8 March 2017 Jihann Shaheen, a UNIFIL Lebanese civilian peacekeeper and UNIFIL Environmental Officer, outside the solar panels in ... CPO Maike, a UNIFIL German Peacekeeper and medical officer serving with UNIFIL’s Maritime Task Force, ...

  9. On United Nations Day, top UNIFIL official urges political and diplomatic solutions

    25 October 2021... Today, UNIFIL marked United Nations Day at its headquarters in Naqoura, south Lebanon ...

  10. UNIFIL Background

    9 March 2016 Click on any link below to read the related information Israeli Withdrawal Withdrawal Confirmed
