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  1. UNIFIL ceremonial parade, long-serving staff members honoured on UN Day

    24 October 2011... (Naqoura, Lebanon - UNIFIL marks United Nations Day, 24 October 2011) ...

  2. UNIFIL Maritime Task Force at the rescue as commercial ship sinks off the Lebanese coast

    18 December 2009 The United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) Maritime Task Force is participating in a major search and rescue ...

  3. UNIFIL strives to ‘beat plastic pollution’

    5 June 2018 UNIFIL’s Deputy Force Commander Major General Shivaram Kharel and Claudine Aoun Roukoz hand a certificate of appreciation to UNIFIL’s Ghanaian Battalion for their significant contribution to preserving the environment. UNIFIL leadership team and Claudine Aoun Roukoz plant a tree at a ceremony to ...

  4. On Peacekeepers’ Day, UNIFIL pays tribute to peacekeepers’ sacrifices and urges steps towards a diplomatic solution

    29 May 2024... UNIFIL today marked the International Day of United Nations Peacekeepers, an ...

  5. UNIFIL staff continue to serve peace from home

    30 April 2020... beginning of the outbreak of COVID-19 Coronavirus pandemic, UNIFIL leadership put in place all necessary precautionary measures in order ...

  6. On Its 39th Establishment Day, UNIFIL Reiterates Commitment to Uphold Peace in South Lebanon

    20 March 2017 UNIFIL Head of Mission Major General Michael Beary lays a wreath at the UNIFIL cenotaph in memory of fallen peacekeepers. Naqoura, south Lebanon. ... Brigadier General Mohamed Janbay awards a UN medal to a UNIFIL officer.  UNIFIL Head of Mission and ...

  7. Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Hariri visits the flagship of UNIFIL Maritime Task Force at Beirut Port

    15 July 2019... Today, Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Hariri paid a visit to UNIFIL Maritime Task Force at the Beirut Port. ...

  8. On visit to LAF Navy base, UNIFIL head says MTF exit strategy linked to LAF capabilities

    2 May 2019... in the Beirut Naval Base. UNIFIL Head of Mission and Force Commander Maj. Gen. Stefano Del Col (right) is ... off the coast of Jounieh. UNIFIL and LAF Navy personnel on LAF Navy’s rigid-hulled inflatable boat on ...

  9. Children from Tibnin orphanage visit UNIFIL’s ITALAIR

    11 April 2017 UNIFIL Italian Peacekeepers and young people from Tibnin Orphanage play a game on a visit to UNIFIL’s ITALAIR. The head of UNIFIL’s ITALAIR, Col Giovanni Maria Scopelliti, gives a thumbs up at the end ...

  10. UNIFIL joins in remembering Haiti quake’s fallen peacekeepers, 12 January 2011

    12 January 2011... 12 January 2011 -- The UN Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) today remembered fallen comrades who died in the devastating earthquake ...
