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  1. On UNIFIL establishment day, its head recommits to peace and stability in south Lebanon

    19 March 2021... Marking the 43 rd  anniversary of UNIFIL’s establishment, Head of ...

  2. UNIFIL marks 41st anniversary of its establishment

    19 March 2019... Today, the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) marked the 41st anniversary of its establishment with a ceremon ...

  3. UNIFIL: Economic Dimension (Multimedia product - photos and video inside)

    3 November 2011... ( You are with UNIFIL Radio programme – Salam from the South) Salam from the South – UNIFIL: Economic Dimension (part 1) ...

  4. By increasingly turning to solar energy, UNIFIL accelerates efforts to go green

    30 December 2021... UN Photo / Tilak Pokharel One of UNIFIL’s more than 50 positions in south Lebanon made history recently by ...

  5. UNIFIL peacekeepers observe International Day of Peace, 23 September 2009

    19 February 2010... Lebanon - The United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) today marked the International Day of Peace in a ceremony held at UNIFIL Headquarters in Naqoura. ...

  6. Lebanese Minister of Defense Yaacoub Sarraf visits UNIFIL headquarters

    7 March 2017... Yaacoub Sarraf, reviews the Guard of Honor on his arrival at UNIFIL headquarters. Lebanese Minister of Defense Yaacoub Sarraf signs the UNIFIL Book of Honour as UNIFIL head Major General Beary watches on, during the ...

  7. Local leaders join UNIFIL exhibition marking 40th anniversary

    10 May 2018... Armed Forces (LAF) personnel and dozens of school children, UNIFIL’s Sector East Headquarters organized a multimedia exhibition in Marjay ...

  8. UNIFIL cares for those left with no medical support in south Lebanon

    6 August 2024 Since the exchanges of fire across the Blue Line started 10 months ago, almost 100,000 people living close to the 120-ki...

  9. UNIFIL delivers vehicles to the Lebanese Army, 25 August 2010

    25 August 2010... The United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) delivered 39 vehicles to the Lebanese Armed Forces (LAF) at a ceremony at UNIFIL's Headquarters in Naqoura on Wednesday 25 Augu ...

  10. More firefighters benefit from UNIFIL support

    25 April 2024
