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  1. 187- Salam from the South - A Finnish Martyr (in English) | 24 Feb 2020

    24 February 2020... Froun village in south Lebanon says that he owes it to a UNIFIL Finnish peacekeeper, Tom Kjällman, that he is still alive. It was in 1985 that an ...

  2. FCR & LAF in skill sharing exercises

    5 August 2022 Another intense five-day training has taken place between the Force Commander’s Reserve (FCR) and the Lebanese Armed Forces (LAF) 5th Brigade, fro...

  3. 182 -Salam from the South - A soldier who became an astronaut (in Arabic) | 06 Sep 2019

    6 September 2019... in his native Italy. Though, Lebanon where he served as a peacekeeper played, in his own words, an important part in his transformation ... astronaut. We caught up with him during his recent visit to UNIFIL Headquarters in Naqoura. Here is the link to full story ...

  4. 232- Salam from the South - Irish Veteran (in English) | 04 April 2022

    4 April 2022 Sergeant Major Stan Hurley from UNIFIL’s Irish contingent first came to Lebanon in 1983. Since then, he has served as a peacekeeper in many other places, but over the years he kept returning to ...

  5. EU Ambassadors in South Lebanon support UNIFIL’s mission

    18 June 2020... diplomatic officials accredited to Lebanon, visited the UNIFIL Headquarters as well as the Mission’s area of oper ...

  6. UN Mine Action Service (UNMAS) UNIFIL

    14 March 2016... Situation Overview More than 1,200 areas in the UNIFIL Area of Operations are contaminated with landmines or other Explosive ... estimated 200,000 people and United Nations personnel in the UNIFIL Area of Operations. ...

  7. Spike in UNIFIL patrolling and joint activities with Lebanese Armed Forces

    12 April 2018... a joint foot patrol along the Blue Line with an Indonesian peacekeeper in the vicinity of El Adeisse, south Lebanon. A UNIFIL Italian paramedic instructor supervises as LAF personnel perform ...

  8. UNIFIL celebrates UN Day and honours long-serving Lebanese staff members, 23 October 2009

    23 October 2009... Lebanon – The United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) today honoured its long-serving staff members on the occasion of the ...

  9. UNIFIL Maritime Task Force transfer of authority on 1 March 2009

    1 March 2009... Lebanon – The United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) today transferred command of its Maritime Task Force (MTF) to Belgium ...

  10. Six UNIFIL peacekeepers injured in explosion that targeted logistics convoy in Saida

    27 July 2011 (Updated statement by UNIFIL Spokesperson Neeraj Singh on the explosive attack against UNIFIL convoy in Saida, 27 July 2011) Last evening (26 July) at around 6 p.m. ...
