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  1. UNIFIL Establishment Day on 19 March 2009

    19 March 2009... The United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) held a ceremony at the Mission headquarters in Naqoura to mark the 31st ...

  2. Finnish peacekeepers join Lebanese Army in detecting explosives

    20 September 2018... “Picket, sledgehammer, flagging tape!” UNIFIL peacekeeper Corporal Romain of Force Commander’s Reserve (FCR) is giving ...

  3. Qulayah garbage facility running again

    20 January 2017 A UNIFIL peacekeeper explains how the biodegrading machine works, converting ... waste into compost. It was repaired with funds donated by UNIFIL’s Spanish contingent. A garbage ...

  4. Chinese peacekeepers conduct cultural exchanges activities at schools

    8 June 2018... To mark the 2018 Lebanese Children’s Day, UNIFIL’s Chinese Battalion (CHINBATT) organized a cultural exchange event at ...

  5. Finnish and Estonian Prime Ministers highlight importance of peace in Lebanon

    19 August 2015 On 17 August 2015, the Prime Minister of Finland, Mr. Juha Sipilä and the Prime Minister of Estonia, Mr.

  6. In one day Indian peacekeepers vaccinate 1,600 goats in Shab’a

    13 July 2018 UNIFIL veterinary officer, Lt Col Bishnoi, with a UNIFIL language assistant, provide medicine and advice to a local shepherd near ... and mouth disease (FMD). UNIFIL veterinary officer, Lt Col Bishnoi, examines the goat milk during a ...

  7. Ghanaian peacekeepers: Keeping the UN flag flying high despite crisis

    30 April 2024 UNIFIL Ghanaian peacekeepers in their main base in the village of Al Qawzah, south Lebanon. (Photo: Haidar Fahs/UNIFIL) Ghanaian Battalion Commander Lt. Col. ... Fahs/UNIFIL) A Ghanaian peacekeeper uses binoculars to scan the area close to the village of Al Qawzah ...

  8. Statement on the death of UNTSO military observer

    5 February 2014 In the early hours of Wednesday, 5 February 2014 one UNTSO (United Nations Truce Supervision Organization) Military Observer from Austria died after falling from a balcony of a building in the city

  9. UNIFIL Commemorates International day of UN Peacekeepers, 29 May 2012

    23 August 2012... Lebanon - The United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) today held a ceremony to commemorate the International Day of United ...

  10. United Nations Secretary-General visits UNIFIL, 14 January 2012

    12 September 2012... today visited the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) where he was received by UNIFIL Force Commander Major-General Albe ...
