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  1. REFLECTIONS OF A PEACEKEEPER: UNIFIL as the melting pot of diversities

    23 February 2021 Capt. Deepak Kumar in the Wazzani area in south-eastern Lebanon during an operational visit to the area on 4 February 2021. (UN Photo/Pasqual Gorriz) By Captain Deepak Kumar

  2. UNIFIL trains municipal police in south Lebanon

    21 April 2016 A UNIFIL Military Police Officer giving a session on check point best practice. ... are shown best practice on how to secure a crime scene by UNIFIL’s Military Police. UNIFIL’s Military Police Carabinieri Officer discusses forensics with local ...

  3. Music for Friendship

    21 March 2014... during a performance at the "Music for Friendship" at UNIFIL’s headquarters in Naqoura. ... from Aladdin during the -Music for Friendship- concert at UNIFIL headquarters in Naqoura. Children ...

  4. Fallen Spanish peacekeeper remembered

    7 February 2020 UNIFIL Spanish peacekeepers held a memorial service last week in honour of ...

  5. UNIFIL Honours fallen Peacekeeper

    29 January 2015... guard carrying the flag-draped casket of departed Spanish peacekeeper, Lance Corporal Toledo, departs the memorial service held at the ... LÓPEZ Calderon representing the Government of Spain and UNIFIL FC and Head of Mission Major-General Luciano Portolano  at the memorial ...

  6. UNIFIL, LAF pay tribute to fallen Malaysian peacekeeper

    23 May 2024... UNIFIL Head of Mission and Force Commander Lt. Gen. ...

  7. A soldier-turned-astronaut visits UNIFIL

    16 May 2019... Earlier this month, UNIFIL received an unusual visitor. ...

  8. UNIFIL, Lebanese Army pay last respects to fallen UNIFIL peacekeeper from Ghana

    11 April 2018... UNIFIL and the Lebanese Armed Forces (LAF) today paid last respects with full ...

  9. A somber ceremony in honour of deceased Ghanaian peacekeeper

    23 December 2022... a somber ceremony at Rafik Hariri International Airport , UNIFIL Head of Mission and Force Commander Major General Aroldo Lázaro and ...

  10. UNIFIL pays tribute to fallen Spanish peacekeeper

    29 August 2019... UNIFIL and the Lebanese Armed Forces (LAF) today paid their last tribute to a Spanish peacekeeper who lost his life yesterday morning while serving for peace in ...
