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  1. Friendship forest- From a dump to a thousand trees

    5 October 2012 Mayor of Safad al-Batikh, deputy chief of UNIFIL’s Civil Affairs, Malaysian Lt. Com Bin Mohammed, and UNIFIL officials inaugurating the -Forest of Friendship- in Safad al-batikh, on 4 October 2012. ...

  2. EU Ambassadors in South Lebanon support UNIFIL’s mission

    18 June 2020... visited the UNIFIL Headquarters as well as the Mission’s area of oper ...

  3. During visit to UNIFIL HQ, Lebanese Minister of Defence discusses LAF capacity-building and enhanced cooperation with UNIFIL

    16 October 2018 Lebanese Caretaker Minister of Defence, Yaacoub Sarraf, and UNIFIL Head of Mission and Force Commander, Major General Stefano Del Col, met today in Naqoura to discuss efforts to ma...

  4. UN Mine Action Service (UNMAS) UNIFIL

    14 March 2016... Situation Overview More than 1,200 areas in the UNIFIL Area of Operations are contaminated with landmines or other Explosive Remnants ... 200,000 people and United Nations personnel in the UNIFIL Area of Operations. ...

  5. Meet 39-year-old mother who clears south Lebanon of deadly mines

    8 March 2021 Warrant Officer Bun Channa during demining of a site near the village of Labbouneh along the Blue Line in south Lebanon. (UN Photo/Lt. Col. Andrea Martorana) Warrant Officer Bun Channa during demini...

  6. On UN Day, UNIFIL head stresses lasting peace in south Lebanon

    24 October 2017 UNIFIL Head of Mission and Force Commander Major General Michael Beary salutes the UN flag during a ceremony marking United Nations Day at UNIFIL Headquarters on 24 October 2017. UN and Lebane...

  7. UNIFIL Force Commander Addresses people of south Lebanon, 08 July 2010

    8 July 2010 UNIFIL Force Commander Major-General Alberto Asarta Cuevas addressed the people of south Lebanon in an open letter following recent skirmishes between UNIFIL troops and some local villagers.

  8. Statement on Special Tripartite meeting, 23 February 2012

    23 February 2012 The Force Commander of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL), Major-General Paolo Serra, today chaired a tripartite meeting with senior officials from the Lebanese Armed Forces (LAF)

  9. Special Tripartite Meeting on Wednesday 25 April 2012

    23 August 2012 Naqoura, Lebanon – The Head of Mission and Force Commander of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL), Major-General Paolo Serra, said that he will convene, on Wednesd

  10. UNIFIL Force Commander meets Lebanese President Sleiman and Speaker Berri

    26 April 2013 UNIFIL Head of Mission and Force Commander, Major General Paolo Serra, today called on Lebanese President Michel Sleiman and the Speaker of Parliament Nabih Berri and held separate meetings with th
