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  1. Special Tripartite Meeting called for Thursday 23 February 2012

    23 February 2012 The Force Commander of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL), Major-General Paolo Serra, has called

  2. UNIFIL Press Statement on unidentified object

    20 January 2014... UNIFIL troops observed an unidentified object in the general area of Al Adeisse, close to the Blue Line. ...

  3. Inauguration of a water treatment system in Naqoura

    25 June 2014... The Municipality of Naqoura became the first one in UNIFIL's area of operations with a suitable water treatment system. ...

  4. UNIFIL Press Statement on incidents along the Blue Line

    28 January 2015... from the vicinity of Wazzani north of Maysat in the UNIFIL area of operations. ...

  5. Nepalese peacekeepers provide free veterinary service to farmers

    13 October 2017 As part of its support to local communities, UNIFIL’s Nepalese Battalion (NEPBATT) provided veterinary assistance to farmers in Markaba Mu...

  6. Device installed by Israeli Army south of BL removed

    1 March 2017... Andrea Tenenti touched on Wednesday on the situation in the area around the southern town of Meis al-Jabal and what UNIFIL is doing in ...

  7. UNIFIL comment in response to reports on Israeli tanks crossing the Technical Fence in south Lebanon

    14 April 2011 14 April 2011 - In response to reports on Israeli tanks crossing the Technical Fence near the village of El Adeisseh in south Lebanon, UNIFIL Spokesperson Neeraj Singh

  8. UNIFIL Head of Mission reviews Blue Line marking near Kafer Kela

    16 December 2015... visible marking of the Blue Line (Line of Withdrawal) in the area of Kafer Kela in sou ...

  9. UNIFIL Head of Mission hosts LAF Commander

    19 September 2019 UNIFIL Head of Mission and Force Commander Major General Stefano Del Col today welcomed the Lebanese Armed Forces (LAF...

  10. UNIFIL and LAF sign MoU to consolidate cooperation around humanitarian demining

    30 January 2020 UNIFIL and its strategic partner, the Lebanese Armed Forces (LAF), today signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) al...
