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  1. UNIFIL Force Commander meets Prime Minister Tammam Salam

    2 February 2015... his office in Beirut to discuss the situation in the UNIFIL Area o ...

  2. UNIFIL Mandate

    9 March 2016 According to Security Council resolutions 425 (1978)  and  426 (1978)  of 19 March 1978, UNIFIL was established to: 

  3. UNIFIL Press Statement on Tripartite Meeting, 9 May 2012

    23 August 2012 The Head of Mission and Force Commander of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL), Major-General Paolo Serra, today chaired a regular tripartite meeting with senior officials from th

  4. UNIFIL Press Statement on Tripartite Meeting, 9 May 2012

    23 August 2012 The Head of Mission and Force Commander of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL), Major-General Paolo Serra, today chaired a regular tripartite meeting with senior officials from th

  5. Statement of Under-Secretary-General for Peacekeeping Operations.

    4 May 2009 (Mr. Alain Le Roy during a press encounter at the Blue Line in south Lebanon Monday, 4 May 2009)

  6. UNIFIL Commander condemns rocket attack, stresses need for enhancing security

    12 December 2011 (Press statement - Rocket fire from southern Lebanon, 12 December 2011)

  7. UNIFIL Head of Mission Major General Del Col hosts LAF Commander General Aoun in UNIFIL HQ

    4 September 2018 UNIFIL Head of Mission and Force Commander Major General Stefano Del Col met today with Lebanese Armed Forces (LAF) Co...

  8. Deployment of Lebanese Armed Forces regiment helps maintain stability in south Lebanon

    6 November 2017 LAF Fifth Intervention Regiment troops based near Kfar Dunim prepare for a village patrol in south Lebanon.  Head Mission and Force Commander Major General Michael Beary visits a Lebanese Armed Forc...

  9. UNIFIL humanitarian activities in 2015

    18 January 2016 2015 has just ended and ten years have almost passed from the adoption of Securi...

  10. UNIFIL Press Statement on Special Tripartite meeting, 25 April 2012

    23 August 2012 Naqoura, Lebanon – The Force Commander of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL), Major-General Paolo Serra, chaired today a tripartite meeting with senior officials from the Lebanes
