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  1. UNIFIL marks UN Peacekeepers’ Day, affirming the importance of peace in south Lebanon and celebrating the power of youth

    31 May 2021 UNIFIL marked the International Day of United Nations Peacekeepers...

  2. UNIFIL Operations

    14 March 2016... UNIFIL carries out a range of operations across its Area of Operations between the Litani river in the north and the Blue Line ...

  3. UNIFIL peacekeepers perform their duties in any clime and place

    21 February 2020 While carrying out its core tasks aimed at maintaining calm and stability in southern Lebanon in accordance with UN Security Council resolut...

  4. Speech of Head of Mission and Force Commander Major General Stefano Del Col on UNIFIL Establishment Day

    19 March 2021 (UN photo / Lt. Col. Andrea Martorana) Dear friends from the Lebanese Armed Forces and Security Forces,

  5. UNIFIL ground operations

    18 February 2010 Every day several hundred patrols, each with two or three white vehicles flying the UN flag, roll down the roads of southern Lebanon.

  6. UNIFIL Updated Media line on the rocket firing of 29 Dec 2013

    30 December 2013 Following last morning’s rocket firing from southern Lebanon towards Israel, later yesterday the Lebanese Armed Forces (LAF) found four rocket firing sites with improvised laun

  7. UNIFIL HoM/FC meets with Lebanese Prime Minister

    4 September 2019... mounting tension following developments outside the UNIFIL area of operations, UNIFIL Head of Mission and ...

  8. Updated information on incident of rockets fire from Lebanon and IDF counter fire on 14 January 2009

    15 January 2009 Yesterday, after receiving reports of rockets fired from Lebanese territory towards Israel, UNIFIL launched an investigation into the incident in close cooperation with the parties.

  9. UNIFIL's position on Israeli's proposal for works in Ghajar, Attributable to UNIFIL Spokesperson

    30 April 2013... Ghajar is very clear: Israel must withdraw from this area and its presence there is a clear and continuing violation of resolution ...

  10. UNIFIL Force Commander meets Speaker of Parliament Nabih Berri

    30 January 2015 UNIFIL Head of Mission and Force Commander Major-General Luciano Portolano today called on Lebanese Speaker of Parliament Nabih Berri in his office in Beirut to discuss the situation in the UNIFIL ...
