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  1. Advanced environmental analyses and consultation services for UNIFIL Area of Operations

    4 December 2019 UNIFIL/EOI/19/12/003/JM unifil-eoi-sr-environmentanalys-004-12-2019.pdf Application period: 04 Dec 2019 to 19 Dec 2019 Listing type Bids ...

  2. Provision of Rental of Construction Machines and Site Clearance Equipment at UNIFIL HQ. and Area of Operation, South Lebanon

    25 August 2021 EOI Number: UNIFIL/EOI/22/ 08/ 004/MG unifil-eoi-22-08-004-mg-24-08-2021-rental.pdf Application period: 24 Aug 2021 to 08 Sep 2021 Listing type ...

  3. Long Term Agreement (LTA) for General Asphalting Works at UNIFIL HQ and its Area of Operations (AO)

    11 May 2022 EOI Number: UNIFIL/EOI/22/05/001/RH unifil-eoi-22-05-001-rh-10-05-2022-generalasphalting-.pdf Application period: 10 May 2022 to 24 May 2022 Listing type ...

  4. Long Term Agreement (LTA) for the Construction of Observation Towers at UNIFIL Area of Operations.

    10 June 2022 UNIFIL/EOI/22/0 6 /00 2 R H unifil-eoi-22-06-002-rh-09-06-2022-obsertowers_002.pdf Application period: 10 Jun 2022 to 27 Jun 2022 Listing type B...

  5. LTA for Conversion of Soft Wall to Hard Wall Buildings at UNIFIL HQ and Area of Operations

    4 August 2023 EOI Number: UNIFIL/EOI/24/08/001/AS unifil-eoi-24-08-001-as-03-08-2023.pdf Application period: 03 Aug 2023 to 22 Aug 2023 Listing type Bids

  6. Construction of Sludge Disposal Systems at UNIFIL HQ and its Area of Operations (AO)

    16 August 2023 EOI Number: UNIFIL/EOI/24/08/004/RH  unifil-eoi-24-08-004-rh-16-08-2023-sludge-systems-.pdf Application period: 16 Aug 2023 to 29 Aug 2023 Listing type ...

  7. LTA for Water Well Maintenance, Deepening and Associated Works in UNIFIL Positions in Area of Operations and HQ, Naqoura

    30 August 2023 EOI Number: UNIFIL/EOI/24/08/009/FC unifil-eoi-24-08-009-fc-29-08-2023.pdf Application period: 29 Aug 2023 to 13 Sep 2023 Listing type Bids

  8. Provision of Camp Services to UNIFIL Naqoura, UNIFIL Area of Operations (AO), UNIFIL House Baabda and MOVCON Offices at Beirut Airport, Lebanon

    22 September 2023 EOI Number: UNIFIL/EOI/24/09/007/AS  eoi-24-09-007-as-camp_operation-22-09-2023.pdf Application period: 22 Sep 2023 to 12 Oct 2023 Listing type ...

  9. Attack on UNIFIL logistics convoy a “despicable act” to undermine stability

    10 June 2011 (27 May 2011, comments by UNIFIL Spokesperson Neeraj Singh on today's incident targeting a UNIFIL logistics convoy)

  10. Statement by UNIFIL spokesperson Andrea Tenenti

    30 March 2024
