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  1. Lebanon’s Justice Minister visits UNIFIL headquarters

    30 June 2017... a visit to the UNIFIL Headquarters and the UN Mission’s area of operations (AO) in south Lebanon today. ...

  2. Indian peacekeepers conducted anti-rabies vaccination camp at Souk Al Khan

    8 July 2017 On 08 July 2017, UNIFIL’s Indian Battalion (INDBATT) conducted anti-rabies vaccination vamp for pets (dogs and cats) at Souk Al Khan.

  3. UNIFIL head chairs regular tripartite meeting with LAF and IDF officials

    31 July 2017 UNIFIL Head of Mission and Force Commander, Major General Michael Beary, today chaired a regular tripartite meeting with senior officials from the Le

  4. UNIFIL’s Sector West conducts multinational training exercise

    12 September 2017 UNIFIL’s western sector command recently organized a multinational training activity to test the command and control capacity of various UNI...

  5. UNIFIL Force Commander Major-General Beary meets Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Hariri in Beirut

    10 October 2017 UNIFIL Head of Mission and Force Commander Major General Michael Beary today met with Prime Minister Saad Hariri in Beirut.   

  6. UNIFIL-supported water filtration plant benefits locals

    11 October 2017 UNIFIL peacekeepers and local officials jointly inaugurated a new water filtration plant, constructed with funding from Spanish peacekeepers, in Meiss Ej Jebel,...

  7. UNIFIL peacekeepers’ support helps put out large fire

    6 April 2018 Timely support from UNIFIL’s Indian and Spanish peacekeepers to the Lebanese Civil Defence firefighters in putting out a large fire averted a major damage to th...

  8. UNIFIL head meets with President Aoun

    30 April 2018 UNIFIL Head of Mission and Force Commander Major General Michael Beary met with H.E. President Michel Aoun, in Beirut today. 

  9. UNIFIL Force Commander meets Prime Minister Hariri

    2 May 2018 UNIFIL Head of Mission and Force Commander Major-General Michael Beary met today with Prime Minister Saad Hariri in Beirut.

  10. New Ghanaian Battalion takes charge

    11 July 2018 UNIFIL’s Ghanaian Battalion (GHANBATT) saw a change in command of its 850-strong force operating in furthering peace in south Lebanon, last week.   
