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  1. Head of UN Peacekeeping Jean-Pierre Lacroix wraps up Lebanon visit

    27 February 2018 The United Nations Under-Secretary-General for Peacekeeping ...

  2. UNIFIL’s mandate renewed for another year

    31 August 2022

  3. As he prepares to leave, UNIFIL head says relations with communities critical to success

    15 July 2016 UNIFIL Head of Mission and Force Commander, Major-General Portolano, reviews a guard of honor at the Lebanese Armed Forces headquarters in Beirut. UNIFIL Indonesian Maritime Task Force crew assemble...

  4. UNIFIL strives to ‘beat plastic pollution’

    5 June 2018 UNIFIL’s Deputy Force Commander Major General Shivaram Kharel and Claudine Aoun Roukoz hand a certificate of appreciation to UNIFIL’s Ghanaian Battalion for their significant contribution to preserving the environment. ...

  5. “Mr. and Mrs. Blue Barrel” educate young children on Blue Line safety

    15 November 2017 UNIFIL peacekeepers explain about the dangers of crossing the Blue Line in Aytarun Public School. Students from Aytarun Public School raise their hands to answer questions about UNIFIL and the Blue ...

  6. Major General Aroldo Lázaro takes up duties as UNIFIL Head of Mission and Force Commander

    28 February 2022 UNIFIL held a ceremony at its headquarters in Naqoura today to officially transfer authority from outgoing Head of Mission and Force Commander Major General Ste...

  7. A day with the Indian Vet

    6 December 2012 UNIFIL veterinary assistant Mr. Anand treating a goat in a farm in Kafer Chouba. Indian Battalion vet Lt. Col. Rakesh Sharma examining a shepherd’s mule in the Shebaa region of South Lebanon. ...

  8. UNIFIL Indonesians peacekeepers help maintain stability along Blue Line

    15 June 2020 UNIFIL peacekeepers from Indonesia conduct daily foot and vehicle patrols that are crucial in achieving and maintaining peace an...

  9. UNIFIL marks 41st anniversary of its establishment

    19 March 2019 Today, the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) marked the 41st anniversary of its establishment with a ...

  10. UNIFIL Establishment

    28 July 2014... in ensuring the return of its effective authority in the area. The first UNIFIL troops arrived in the area on 23 March 1978. Language En Dates Sunday, 19 March, 1978 ...
