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  1. ‘Awareness day’ with LAF to overcome dangers of mines

    4 March 2020 UNIFIL French peacekeepers recently organized an awareness day with the UN Mission’s strategic partner, the Lebanese Armed Forces (LAF), on ...

  2. EU Ambassadors visit UNIFIL HQ and the Blue Line

    25 October 2017 UNIFIL Head of Mission and Force Commander Major General Michael Beary and other senior members of the UN Mission with the visiting delegation of the European Union at the UNIFIL Headquarters ...

  3. UNIFIL concludes heritage protection mission in Beirut

    30 October 2020 UNIFIL has concluded its month-long partnership with the Lebanese Armed Forces (LAF) and Blue Shield International (BSI) in securing and pro...

  4. Major-General Beary chairs first tripartite meeting as UNIFIL Head of Mission

    25 August 2016 The Head of Mission and Force Commander of UNIFIL, Major-General Michael Beary, today chaired his first tripartite meeting with senior officials from the Lebanese Armed Forces (LAF) and the Israel

  5. UNIFIL Commander urges "effective investigation" into incidents

    14 December 2011 (UNIFIL Force Commander meets Lebanese leaders)

  6. Lebanese communities continue to receive UNIFIL support to contain COVID-19 spread

    7 April 2020 UNIFIL continued today with its ongoing efforts to assist the host population in our common fight against COVID-19 Coronavirus by donating several equipment to ...

  7. UNIFIL Sailors of Peace: The Brazilians

    6 June 2020 The Maritime Task Force (MTF) of UNIFIL is the first and only naval operation of the UN Peacekeeping globally.

  8. A road of renewed hope for Kfar Shouba

    14 February 2020 Winters are harsh in Kfar Shouba on both locals and UN peacekeepers, as well as infrastructure. During the winter, the limited

  9. UNIFIL, Environment Ministry launch Greening the South initiative

    20 April 2015 Municipality employees clear the area for tree-planting during the reforestation event in in Shehour. ...

  10. UNIFIL Force Commander Major-General Beary meets newly appointed Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Hariri

    10 January 2017 UNIFIL Head of Mission and Force Commander Major-General Michael Beary today called on the newly appointed Prime Minister Saad Hariri in his office in Beirut.
