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  1. United Nations Under-Secretary-General tours the Line of Withdrawal

    12 May 2013... today toured the Line of Withdrawal (Blue Line) in UNIFIL area of ...

  2. Visit of the Minister of Information to UNIFIL Sector East

    12 June 2013... Minister of Information Mr. Walid Daouk in the Ghajar area. On Monday, 10 June the Lebanese Minister of ...

  3. Rocket fire from southern Lebanon

    20 December 2015... UNIFIL radars detected three rockets fired from the general area of Al Hinniyah in southern Lebanon towards Israel. ...

  4. Aggressive behaviour towards UNIFIL patrols

    3 February 2017... This morning, two UNIFIL patrols in the general area of Al Mansouri-Majda Zun (Sector West) were obstructed by groups of ...

  5. UNIFIL head chairs regular tripartite meeting with LAF and IDF officials

    20 June 2017 UNIFIL Head of Mission and Force Commander, Major General Michael Beary, today chaired a regular tripartite meeting with senior officials from the Lebanese Armed Forces (LAF) and the Israel Defense

  6. LAF Commander General Aoun discusses enhanced coordinated efforts with UNIFIL

    22 September 2017 During his visit to the UNIFIL headquarters in Naqoura today, Commander of the Lebanese Armed Forces (LAF) General Joseph Aoun discussed with the UN Mission’s l...

  7. UNIFIL joins Lebanon’s 74th Independence Day parade

    22 November 2017

  8. UNIFIL’s Sector East organizes all-female patrol

    9 March 2018 Women peacekeepers from UNIFIL’s Sector East Command recently organized an all-female foot patrol and market walk in Souk al Khan, south-eastern Lebanon, with t...

  9. In one day Indian peacekeepers vaccinate 1,600 goats in Shab’a

    13 July 2018... son near Shab’a. In the mountainous area of Shab’a, in south-east Lebanon, a Lebanese goat farmer welcomes Lt Col ...

  10. Defence Minister Bou Saab visits UNIFIL HQ, tours Blue Line

    24 April 2019 Lebanon’s Minister of Defence, Elias Bou Saab, led a delegation today to the UNIFIL Headquarters in Naqoura and visited areas along the Blue...
