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  1. UNIFIL naval peacekeepers from Bangladesh remain committed amid disaster

    8 August 2020... The huge explosion that rocked Beirut Port on Tuesday evening (4 August) resulted in ...

  2. Shooting incident in Shab'a farms area

    7 October 2014... UNIFIL statement on shooting incident in Shab'a farms area on Sunday 5 October 2014. ...

  3. Defence Minister Sarraf visits UNIFIL HQ and area of operation with word of thanks to UN Peacekeepers

    31 December 2018... to the UNIFIL Headquarters in Naqoura and the Mission’s area of operation in south Lebanon t ...

  4. UNIFIL Media line on the situation in UNIFIL’s area of operations

    6 May 2013 The situation in UNIFIL's area of operations remains generally calm. ...

  5. Spanish Chief of Defence visits UNIFIL area of operation

    13 May 2019... today led a nine-member delegation for a tour of UNIFIL area of operations and a visit to the Mission’s Sector East Headquarters ...

  6. Bangladesh Navy official visits damaged UNIFIL Maritime Task Force vessel 

    18 August 2020 A high-level four-member delegation from the Bangladesh Navy visited last week UNIFIL’s Maritime Task Force corvette BNS BIJOY, which was da...

  7. UNIFIL completes investigation into the incident in El Adeisse area, 25 August 2010

    25 August 2010... Armed Forces and the Israeli Defence Forces in El Adeisse area on 03 August 2010. ...

  8. Long Term Agreement - Advanced Environmental Analyses for UNIFIL Area of Operation (Sector East, Sector West and Area Around UNIFIL HQ Naqoura)

    8 July 2024... Application period: ...

  9. Long Term Agreement - Advanced Environmental Analyses for UNIFIL Area of Operation (Sector East, Sector West and Area Around UNIFIL HQ Naqoura)

    2 August 2024 EOI Number: UNIFIL/EOI/25/08/001/PZ  reoi_advanced_environmental_analyses.pdf Application period: 02 Aug 2024 to 16 Aug 2024 Listing type Bids ...

  10. Long Term Agreement (LTA) for Rental and Cleaning of Chemical Toilets For UNIFIL Area of Operation (Sector East, Sector West and Area Around UNIFIL HQ Naqoura)

    13 September 2024 EOI Number: UNIFIL/EOI/25/09/001/FC eoi_unifil_eoi-25-09-001-fc_chemical_toilets.pdf Application period: 13 Sep 2024 to 04 Oct 2024 Listing type ...
