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  1. UNIFIL trains municipal police in south Lebanon

    21 April 2016 A UNIFIL Military Police Officer giving a session on check point best practice. Local Municipal Police are shown best practice on how to secure a crime scene by UNIFIL’s Military Police. ...

  2. UNIFIL Background

    9 March 2016 Click on any link below to read the related information Israeli Withdrawal Withdrawal Confirmed

  3. Five peacekeepers injured in explosion that targeted UNIFIL vehicle; investigation underway

    9 December 2011... (Comments by UNIFIL Deputy Spokesperson Andrea Tenenti on explosion near Tyre, 09 December 2011) ...

  4. Explosion in Shaba'a area

    7 October 2014... UNIFIL media line on today’s explosion in Shab'a farms area. ...

  5. Six UNIFIL peacekeepers injured in explosion that targeted logistics convoy in Saida

    27 July 2011 (Updated statement by UNIFIL Spokesperson Neeraj Singh on the explosive attack against UNIFIL convoy in Saida, 27 July 2011) Last evening (26 July) at around 6 p.m.

  6. Five UNIFIL peacekeepers injured in explosion that targeted convoy at Saida

    26 July 2011 (Press Statement by UNIFIL Spokesperson Neeraj Singh on attack against UNIFIL convoy, 26 July 2011)

  7. UNIFIL condemns explosion that injured 5 peacekeepers, says attack will not derail mission

    9 December 2011 Press statement - by UNIFIL Force Commander Major-General Alberto Asarta Cuevas, 09 December 2011:

  8. UNIFIL statement on the explosion in Beirut

    4 August 2020 As a result of a huge explosion that rocked Beirut Port this evening, one of the UNIFIL ships of the ...

  9. Gen. Serra's response to media query on explosion in Rweis (Beirut) on 15 August

    16 August 2013 Asked by the National News Agency (NNA) about his reaction to the bomb attack in the Rouweiss neighbourhood of Beirut yesterday, UNIFIL Head of Mission and Force Commander Major-Gene

  10. UNIFIL Force Commander condemns in the strongest terms the explosion in Haret Hreik

    3 January 2014 UNIFIL Head of Mission and Force Commander, Major General Paolo Serra, condemns in the strongest terms yesterday’s car bomb in the southern Beirut suburb of Haret Hreik which l
