The first time was a complete success. Awareness was raised among school children on the importance of preserving water while having lots of fun on World Water Day.

UNIFIL Italian peacekeeper painting on a girl’s face during the World Water Day celebration held in Tyre

Cambodian peacekeepers demonstrating mine clearance suits and equipment during the International Day of Mine Awareness at UNIFIL HQ in Naqoura

Vice president of Jouzour Loubnan, district commissioner of Marjayoun, the French ambassador, Spanish ambassador, and the mayor of Ebel es Saqi planting trees during a reforestation campaign in Ebel es Saqi (from left to right)

Minister of Social Affairs Mr. Wael Abou Faour (left), UNIFIL Deputy Head of Mission Mr. Milos Strugar (center) and LAF Major General Abdul Rahman Shehaitly speaking before the signature of the Memorandum of Understanding.

UNIFIL Korean peacekeeper buying handicrafts from the local Southern cooperatives at the International Women’s Day celebration held at Tyr’s Cultural centre

UNIFIL Investigation Officers simulating an accident scene at Tyre’s Secondary School