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"On 6 August UNIFIL has been informed by the UNHQ Department of Peacekeeping Operations that the Turkish Government has decided to withdraw the Turkish Engineering Construction Company (TURKCOY) of UNIFIL by the first week of September 2013.
Iftar banquet at Turkish Battalion headquarters in Sha’aytiyeh, 1 August 2013.
On August 1st, 2013, UNIFIL's Turkish Battalion held an Iftar banquet at its Battalion headquarters in Sha'aytiyeh in the presence of heads of municipalities, dignitaries of the area, other UNIFIL contingents, and the local population.
UNIFIL peacekeepers working on the restoration of the castle.
"Roman, Byzantine, and Mamluk traits outline Dobaih Fort, a study made by a French team revealed," said Shaqra's mayor Rida Aashour.
LAF Commander Gen. Khawagi addressing a meeting convened by UNSCOL and UNIFIL to discuss assistance for LAF's Capabilities Development Plan. UN House in Beirut.
United Nations Special Coordinator for Lebanon Derek Plumbly and UNIFIL Head of Mission and Force Commander Maj. Gen.
Mr. Zakhia Al Berry, from UNIFIL’s Engineering Support Section, testing chlorine during the training.
UNIFIL Civil Military Coordination (CIMIC) Unit along with Civil Affairs, the Engineering Support Section and Italian Chemical Laboratory medical service from Sector West completed a two-day vocational training course for water filtration system supervisors in partnership wit
In response to media queries, UNIFIL Spokesperson issued the response below:
Tyre Public Technical School students keenly follow the demonstration on rolling pasta dough by UNIFIL Italian chef, Roberto Marfella.
Italian cuisine addresses the eye, taste, and mind in one stroke highlighting Italian history and the international recognition for its refined taste in design, architecture, and art; and this was well illustrated in the Italian cuisine course held on 13 June at Tyre Public T
The Animedics team tending to their next patient in UNIFIL HQ
Who has not encountered a tiny cute kitten or a dog, wandering all alone, be it in a UNIFIL camp or outside on the road, in the south or elsewhere? It is a long standing fact: “There are too many stray cats and dogs,” says Dutch Veterinarian Dr. Muriel Paauwe.
UNIFIL French contingent medic performing a medical checkup on a student at Burj Qalaway public school, South Lebanon
Seven years ago the public school of Burj Kalaway welcomed UNIFIL’s French contingent, when its peacekeepers offered them logistical aid and humanitarian assistance.
On the occasion of the inauguration of the Umoja solution, we step back to reflect upon the 'journey to deployment' in UNIFIL and UNSCOL.